Wrongful Death Lawsuit Settlement
Understanding Your Wrongful Death Lawsuit Settlement
In today’s world, with so much uncertainty out there, and an overall lack of opportunity for many of the middle to lower class individuals – it has led to what many would call an exponential rise in the number of personal injury lawsuits. In past years, while individuals might let certain issues go, and choose to ignore them, today, they are far more likely to pursue some type of legal means in an effort to accrue some types of monetary damages or compensation, as a result of the negligent actions of another party. And the fact is that, the vast majority of such instances are certainly warranted – as some of these circumstances can be quite troubling to an individual’s livelihood and cause issues with their way of life. Personal injury lawsuits can encompass a number of different situations, everything from car accidents, injuries, slip and falls, and even wrongful death – a situation in which an individual’s negligent actions lead to another person’s untimely death, through little to no fault of their own. Despite how common wrongful death lawsuits might be, many individuals are still relatively uneducated on what they truly entail. And when it comes to a wrongful death settlement Manhattan clients are often confused as what they are entitled to, when someone close to them perishes. When it comes to wrongful death settlement Manhattan experts at Express Funding are here to help better educate individuals on all they need to know.
Talk to an Attorney
If you are considering bringing a wrongful death lawsuit or any type of personal injury lawsuit for that matter, one of your first steps should be speaking with a wrongful death attorney who can help answer any and all questions you have about wrongful death cases, and your case specifically. There is no substitute for the advice of a skilled wrongful death lawyer, and it is important you contact one as soon as possible.
Do You Have a Proper Wrongful Death Claim?
f a family member has died as a result of someone else’s negligence, then you could have a wrongful death case. When it comes to a wrongful death settlement Bronx experts at Express Funding decide upon providing funding based on the negligent actions of the other party. “Negligence” is defined by the New York City Bar as the failure to act with a reasonable amount of care. For instance, drivers have a responsibility to follow the rules of the road while driving, and companies have a duty to ensure their products are manufactured correctly and are safe for sale. Examples of wrongful death cases can include:
· A car crash in which one of the drivers was intoxicated or driving recklessly.
· A construction accident in which the site manager did not take proper safety precautions.
· A bus collision in which the bus fatally struck a pedestrian.
Timing is Important
The fact of the matter is that when it comes to attaining a wrongful death settlement Bronx experts at Express Funding advise individuals seeking funding that they must file suit within a specified time period, as all too often, individuals will wait too long and miss their filing date or the time limit. Wrongful death lawsuits in New York State must be filed within two years from the date of the victim’s death.
Does Wrongful Death Differ from a More Common Personal Injury Lawsuit?
A personal injury claim arises when a person is injured in some way due to someone else’s negligent behavior. Generally, a wrongful death lawsuit would have been a personal injury case, if the deceased person had survived. It is possible to file a wrongful death claim that was previously a personal injury claim, as long as you file the wrongful death case within New York’s two-year statute of limitations, and before the current personal injury case has concluded. When it comes to looking for wrongful death settlement Staten Island experts will generally remind clients that regardless of the scenario, if your loved one died as a result of someone’s negligent or reckless behavior, then your lawsuit likely qualifies as wrongful death.
Proving Wrongful Death
When looking to obtain a wrongful death settlement Staten Island personal injury experts will often advise their clients that proving negligence on the other party, is generally the most important facet of the case. However, things do differ slightly from case to case. Regardless, there are a few specifics that must usually always be proven in every case, including the following:
· The defendant acted negligently.
· The negligent actions caused the victim’s death.
· There is a surviving relative or relatives-likely a spouse or children.
· These surviving relatives have suffered financial damage as a result of the victim’s death.
For more information on all there is to know about wrongful death settlements and legal funding overall, be sure to contact Express Funding of America today.